Songs & Stories of Ghosts & Spirits

I am absolutely honoured to be performing at First Light NL’s Songs & Stories of Ghosts & Spirits this weekend and I hope you’ll come see (and hear) me, Dale Jarvis, Sarah Poko, and Kathy Walsh and get a little spooked.

Songs and Stories of Ghosts and Spirits Tickets

Here’s the event poster from First Light NL.

promotional poster for the Songs and Stories of Ghosts and Spirits event featuring images of each teller interspersed with spooky images of an old building, and of the full moon on a cloudy night.
a promotional poster for Saturday’s event featuring photos of each performer plus two spooky photos – one of a old building, one of a full moon. Beneath the images is text about the event – Songs and Stories of Ghosts & Spirits, Dale Jarvis/Sarah Poko/Christine Hennebury/Kathy Walsh, October 14, 81 Cochrane Street, Doors Open 7, Showtime 7:30, Tickets $25/$20,

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